Selecting an Egg Donor is one of the most emotional parts of your journey to parenthood. You want to make sure you are giving your baby the best start in life possible. Part of that may mean choosing a suitable egg donor that meets your established needs and criteria as well.

• No waiting list for egg donation.
• Fresh and young egg donors are being selected.
• The most suitable donors are selected by choosing also their nationalities.

“Miracle Baby Surrogacy” has established a large, comprehensive Egg Donor database that includes Donors from locations such as Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Thailand, China, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Because we have such a broad array of Donors, we offer a Travelling Egg Donor package for our parents-to-be looking for a wider range of options.

At your request, we are happy to arrange a meeting or skype call between you and Egg Donor candidates before you make a final decision.

We are here to make your dreams come true!

The ones who need egg donation:

• Women who have never had periods although specified as having a healthy intrauterine mucous membrane,

• Women having lost their egg cells following chemotherapy or radiotherapy; women having an operation in which their eggs are removed by surgical ways, or women suffering from early menopause for an unknown reason,

• Women for whom the previous trials ended ineffectively with no eggs obtained.

• Patients for whom the result of the FSH test performed on the 3rd day of the periods is 15 and more,

• Women for whom the previous trials of IVF ended ineffectively with no pregnancy obtained,

• The fact that genetic disease is present in the family.

• Egg donation treatment is considered in the case pregnancy is not obtained owing to the fact that a few eggs or defected eggs are available in IVF treatments.

• Single men, who have the desire to become a parent.

Criteria for egg donors:

Our egg donors are aged 19-30. There is a special team who selects and approves for the women to donate their eggs. The donors should be attractive, intelligent, and healthy. They are being checked with a complete medical evaluation by our specialist doctors. The following tests are done with egg donors after they are confirmed for the program: C and B hepatitis, HIV, Blood type, correlogram, smear test, E2, PRG, PRP, RW, TSH, FT4, FSH, LH, Estradiol, PRL, DHEAS, Free testosterone, 170OH Progesterone, Insulin, AMH, chest the US, the vaginal US for monitoring follicles.

Regarding the recipient's schedule doctor can synchronize the suitable donor’s period cycle in order to fit the protocol. The clinic is using a fresh cycle which means fresh eggs are being collected for the recipient for having a higher success rate.

You just need to contact our coordinators to manage an appropriate donor and a schedule specially designed for you. All you need is just to call or send an e-mail anytime.