Surrogacy for HIV carriers in Albania is permitted. Still, the surrogacy agency in Albania needs to ensure that neither of the party involved (surrogate mother in Albania, Intended parents, or Donors) is passing on the HIV virus infection to the future child.

There are numerous strategies for lowering the risk of HIV transmission when attempting to conceive via IVF. If you are a woman or man with HIV, you can still pursue surrogacy for an HIV carrier in Albania, given you keep up with the following criteria and elements.

HIV-Infected Partners' Viral Suppression

Even if you have no symptoms and a pretty strong immune system, taking HIV medications on a regular basis and maintaining a suppressed viral load is one of the finest things you and your partner can do in this scenario. This reduces the risk of your partner contracting a different strain of HIV (one that is stronger or more drug-resistant).

By lowering your viral load before trying to become pregnant, you can lessen the danger of transferring HIV to your baby or a different strain of the virus to your partner, just as you can with sero different partners. A viral load that is undetectable reduces the danger of transmission to a fetus to less than 1%. Before attempting to get pregnant, treat any sexually transmitted illnesses or diseases (STIs or STDs) to reduce your risk of spreading a different strain of HIV between partners.

Sperm washing

Sperm washing is a technique for separating sperm from seminal fluid (semen = sperm + seminal fluid). Because HIV is present in seminal fluid but not sperm, removing the sperm from the seminal fluid reduces the chance of HIV transmission during surrogacy in Albania.

The role of Assisted Reproductive Technology in the entire process

This refers to when a sperm fertilizes an egg via a medical treatment or therapy. When the prospective parent(s) need support to avoid HIV transmission between partners, are utilizing donor sperm, or are having difficulties becoming pregnant, assisted reproduction (also known as "assisted reproductive technology") can help. Assisted reproduction can be used in a list of ways during surrogacy for HIV carrier in Albania:

Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): involves collecting sperm in a small tube and inserting it into the uterus through the cervix. The sperm is put in the uterus, where the egg can be fertilized.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF): is a procedure with which a woman is given reproductive medicines to aid in the preparation of her eggs (also called ripening her eggs). The eggs are taken from the ovary when they are mature (or ripe) and placed in a dish with sperm. The fertilized egg (embryo) is then implanted into the woman's uterus after fertilization.

ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection): it is a kind of IVF in which a sperm is put directly into an egg using a very tiny needle. When a fertilized egg is found, it is then implanted to the uterus of the woman. When a man's sperm do not swim well or are abnormally shaped, this method is used.

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Egg donation during surrogacy for HIV carrier in Albania

This entails utilising eggs from an egg donor as the women undergoing IVF cannot use her eggs due to XYZ reasons. Fertility medicines are given to the women who is donating her eggs to aid in the fertilisation of the eggs (also called ripening her eggs).

When the eggs are mature, they are taken from the ovary and placed in a dish with sperm. A fertilised egg (embryo) is placed in the womb of the surrogate mother in Albania. Despite the fact that this treatment uses HIV-negative eggs, it is still necessary for one to take HIV medications to avoid passing HIV on to their future child during surrogacy for HIV carrier in Albania.

How does surrogacy for HIV carriers in Albania work?

IVF or ICSI is used to fertilize the egg, which is subsequently transferred to the womb of the surrogate mother in Albania. Although it is medically feasible to have a woman living with HIV's egg fertilized by a male living with HIV's cleaned sperm and implanted in an HIV-negative surrogate, there may be legal or regulatory obstacles to this method of conception.

Even if this option is allowed in Albania, you must consult with a reputed IVF or surrogacy clinic in Albania like Miracle Baby surrogacy.

Surrogacy + Egg Donation

You can opt to have your partner's sperm fertilise an HIV-negative woman's egg and have the same HIV-negative woman, or another woman, give birth to your child if you are a woman living with HIV. In this case, your male partner's sperm would need to be cleansed before being utilised with one of the assisted reproductive procedures outlined above to conceive the HIV-negative surrogate.

At Miracle Baby surrogacy, we make sure that the entire procedure is been taken care off in the strict supervision of experienced medical professionals. We understand the criticality of the entire phenomenon and hence put our best people at work for the purpose.

Connect with one of our client coordinators today for a free consultation!